Monday, December 29, 2008

Adoption Profile

Our Adoption Profile cover page.

I have recently redone our Adoption Profile. I hope that is helps any woman out there that concidering adoption for her child understands and really gets a feel for our family.
Your profile is the most important thing you do during your wait to adopt. This is how a woman concidering adoption will choose the family for her child. We are to put together a little book that shows her our family and what we are like and how her child would live. That is a tall order to put into 1500 words. We were in the middle of making our first profile when we lost Macie. I was so hard to find pictures that she was not in. I wanted to have her in the profile but our agency told us not to because we didn't need to make the woman concidering adoption feel sorry for us or guilt her or make her feel like we were trying to replace Macie. It was just too complicated to try and explain in 1500 word profile. But now that it has been over a year since we lost Macie we have lots of pictures that we can use and our profile truly represents our family! I hope our wait will soon come to an end....
When you are waiting to adopt it is pretty much like being pregnant except you don't have that magical "Due date". So far I have been "paper" prego for 13months. You have no idea when you could have your new baby in your arms. It could be another year or it could be tonight. Another thought that has really got to me is the fact that for us to gain a daughter to love and to give us joy someone else has to go through pain and loss.

When we started...

The last picture I took of Macie.
Eli and his sister Macie.

Macie at seven months old her first day with us.

Our journey to adoption started back in 2004. We were foster parents and took a 7month old little girl in to our home. She went to live with her bio father about a month later. I was still her babysitter during the day and she was just a joy. To make a long story short, her bio father ended up going to prison and he asked us to adopt Macie because he was going to be in jail for a few years. And we happily said YES! Macie lived with us for three years all the while we were trying to adopt her. He bio mother had not been in the picture for years when she decided to show and contest the adoption. Macie didn't know who this woman that was claiming to be her mother ....Our adoption failed and Macie went back to live with her bio mom..the same mom the state took Macie away from when she was seven months old. It breaks our heart to think about what our little girl is going through...they live in the very same town as we do and I have seen her bio mothers name in the crime blotter more than once. We also know from the bio father that the state in back involved with Macie and her bio mother.

But before we had any idea that our little girl was going to be leaving we signed on with an adoption agency to try to adopt a little girl...a sister for Macie. But Macie is gone...our heart is broken...She was looking for forward to having a sister.

It took a while but we are ready to move on and bring a daughter home. Macie will always be our little girl and we will always pray to have her come home but we know in our heart that God has another little girl out there somewhere that is meant for our family. Our boys can't wait to have their new little sister come home...and neither can we!